Fit Testing

A Fit Test is a test to measure the quality of seal between a person’s face and a respirator or mask (e.g. N95). It is required for many jobs in a wide variety of industries. Due to Covid-19 many individuals who did not previously need a Respirator or Fit Test now require both.

Qualitative fit testing uses an odorous mist or irritant smoke sprayed in an enclosed hood. The participant wears a mask and tries to detect the material by smelling for it. If the test is a pass, no smell is detected. A qualitative test measures the PERSON’S ability to detect the odour through a mask. Testing of this kind is acceptable and limited to checking filtering face pieces and half-mask respirators.

Qualitative testing is fast, requires minimal equipment and are easily performed with large groups. Check with your employer to see if this an acceptable test process for your organization.

Mountain Medical Supplies can test in singles or in groups. We travel all throughout BC to provide proper testing to our customers.

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