
If you or someone you love are in the process of buying a wheelchair, you might have heard discussions among your doctors and therapists about which types of wheelchairs you need. Depending on your mobility and support needs you may need different types of wheelchairs to address your situation. Wheelchairs in Canada range between Type 1 to Type 5 styles– these wheelchair types can each progressively adapt to the user’s needs and degree of mobility. Different seating surfaces, different back support options, diverse foot support accessories and hardware might be needed to find the perfect wheelchair types for you.

Wheelchairs starting at $495. Call or visit us today.

Dubuque Available Rentals | Executive Management & Real Estate LTD

Type 1- Basic/Transport

Type 2- Lightweight

Type 3- Custom

Type 4- Ultralight

Type 5- Tilt Chair


Cushions, Backs & Accessories

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